New housing and pylons seek to dominate our villages

Please note that the map in ‘Aston and Weston Housing Developments’ section has been updated from that in our printed leaflet to better reflect the information provided by SDDC at
We need your help
SAVE needs members with enthusiasm, skills or expertise to get involved in campaigning on these, and other, issues. Both Aston and Weston have evolved over time – change and development are important to the long-term future of both villages. SAVE want to see this change take place at a scale and pace which preserves the rural character of the villages. We want to be part of doing the change rather than having the change done to us. We need members to be involved in this, so why not join the Committee and come along to any of our monthly meetings or attend the AGM on Sunday 20th October at 2:30pm, Weston Village Hall