A new planning application has been submitted by Gladman Land to build 150 houses on Weston Road, Aston on Trent, within both the Aston and Weston parishes.
Planning Application Reference Number 9/2019/0646
SAVE was formed to protect the built and natural environment within our two villages. We do this objectively and to the best of our abilities. We do not oppose every planning application; however when we feel it is the correct course of action, we try and give advice and possible reasons that may be used for an objection. It is therefore important, that you visit the SDDC Planning portal and review the documentation yourselves, in order to reach your own decision. Please remember that for an objection letter to be validated, it must be written in your own words, non-emotive and based on reasonable concerns.
You can view the application at the following web page:
Again, we need the continued support of everyone in your household to object with a different letter to prevent developers from building on unsuitable land in the Aston and Weston parishes.
This planning application will threaten to join the two villages, thus destroying their separate identities & character. It contravenes the South Derbyshire District Council Local Plan and the adequacy of their 5 year housing land supply.
If permission were to be granted then this would open the flood gates for multiple applications for any further developments on any spare bit of green space.
Hard Copies
If you are unable to use a computer and want more information please contact your Parish Council Clerk as they will have a hard copy of the relevant documents for you to see.
Alternatively go to your local library and staff will support you to access the internet.
Email planning@south-derbys.gov.uk quoting the reference: 9/2019/0646
Or fill in the comments section on the appropriate SDDC planning application page
Or write to: Planning Department, South Derbyshire District Council, Council Offices, Civic Way, Swadlincote, DE11 0AH quoting reference 9/2019/0646
SAVE will be raising an objection. Click here for some of our key basic reasons